Nitin Jain

6 tips to improve the conversion rate of your landing page

Have you made a landing page that, in your opinion, looks fantastic but, for some reason, form submissions aren’t coming through? In the world of digital marketing, conversion rates can be a serious issue. Fortunately, there are a few easy steps you can take to raise those figures.

  1. The significance of landing pages’ user experiences

The likelihood that a user will convert on your landing page is influenced by user experience (UX). UX includes how visitors feel while using your website. The following are the primary inquiries you should have concerning your website’s user experience:


What emotions do consumers have when they browse the landing page?

Is it easy to understand the page?

Is the benefit explained in detail?

Is it simple to reach out and make a service request?

Below, we provide some crucial advice and suggestions to make sure your landing page is optimized for high conversion rates. User experience (UX) encompasses all user behavior.


  1. Consider where you want your call to action to appear.

Although it might seem unimportant, the location of your CTA button is crucial. The secret? It should be positioned so that users can view it.


You’d be shocked at how many landing pages don’t follow this straightforward advice. CTA buttons need to be situated along the user’s natural route through the website.


You need to know how far the typical user falls on your landing page in order to make sure you’re doing it correctly. As soon as you are aware of this, check that the CTA button is in the proper location and select CTA colors and designs that will increase conversion. For your buttons’ conversion rate to be correctly optimized, you should adhere to a few UX best practices.

Warm CTA buttons are frequently more effective than cool ones, but the color scheme of your brand will also affect how people view your service. Beyond just a “Send” button, the titles of your CTAs must also convey urgency and uniqueness.


A call to action in a headline or CTA button is triggered by specific words. Some of the top choices are as follows:


Get the white paper, the free trial, the discount code, etc.

Join now

Ask for a demo.

Make a reservation.

Download a product sheet, a brochure, etc.

  1. Tip #2: Make web forms simpler.

Nobody likes to waste too much time filling out web forms on landing pages or websites. We now know, predictably, that a user’s decision to fill out and submit the registration form on your landing page is significantly influenced by the registration form’s complexity.

Prior to submission, you should clearly specify any requirements you may have for a given form field, such as the use of special characters in a password.

Error warnings should be displayed adjacent to incorrect fields and shouldn’t be extremely bright or harsh to the eyes. The user might attempt to enter again if the error message is only displayed at the top or bottom of the landing page. Both required and optional fields need to be clearly visible and distinguishable to the user. Above the form field, labels should be positioned.

The signup form should be added directly from the landing page since this can improve conversion rates.


  1. Tip #3: Add a video to your landing page to make it more engaging.

Videos increase trust and have a significant impact on conversion rates. According to some marketing research, adding a video to a landing page can boost conversion rates by as much as 80%. To record the views, you can take live video or use interactive animation.


For the following reasons, investing in quality video production for your landing page can be quite beneficial:


Videos increase trust.

They elicit feelings.

Video makes a product or service very clear.

Visuals motivate movement.

  1. Tip #4: Ensure that your website is attractively designed and that the material is persuasive.

It may not come as a surprise, but a well-designed website with engaging copy is essential for enhancing the user experience on your page.


The reputation of your brand is directly related to high-quality design. The secret to your success in converting users is using material that is clear and succinct. Despite the fact that we included this recommendation at the end of our list of suggestions, it ought to serve as the basis for creating your landing pages.


This also applies to your paid advertisements, which may be the first thing consumers see when visiting your landing page. Your advertising must have compelling copy that entices the user to visit your landing page and learn more about your goods or services.


  1. Check the speed of your website.

Conversion loss is significantly influenced by loading time. Therefore, understanding how to increase landing page speed is crucial. Because a website performs poorly, users leave it and never return. This is true for landing pages as well as websites; therefore, it’s crucial to run a speed test to make sure it won’t be a problem for you.

Use a page speed tool to examine how quickly your website loads, and then optimize your images to further accelerate performance. For instance, huge image files slow down the loading of web sites; this may be prevented by using a straightforward online image optimization tool. Additionally, you will need to be aware of how well your landing page is performing right now. Google PageSpeed Insights can help you with this and provide a baseline from which you can work to improve.


  1. Tip #6: Constantly analyze and test

Landing pages shouldn’t be released before they have undergone extensive testing. In order to continuously increase the effectiveness of your landing page, you must access data and create goals. Heatmaps and conversion funnels can be used to track statistics about user interactions, and the results can be analyzed to determine what is and is not working.


Your page analytics data might help you understand why a conversion was successful or unsuccessful. Conversions should increase as a result of testing your ideas frequently to produce a more effective landing page!


So be sure to spend some time putting our advice into practice. Keep in mind that a better user experience is directly linked to increased conversion rates, which translate to a more profitable business overall. have previously shared with you. Please don’t be hesitant to get in touch with us; our consultants are available!

Author Profile

Nitin JainArticles by Nitin Jain
Nitin Jain is the founder and C.E.O of India PR Distribution - India's top Press Release Distribution and PR Agency. Nitin has more than 20 years of experience in PR, Corporate Communications, Digital Marketing, Branding Strategy and Lead generation.